Registration is FREE & open only to NYSATA members. If you can’t attend, we hope to offer this
program as on-demand at a future date; please check back after the conference.
General session – up to 3 Category A CEUs
Workshops – 0.75 or 3 Category A CEUs (limited registrations available)
FRIDAY JUNE 11th – 9am-12pm (general session)
8:45am – Friday session opens – Introductions
Aimee Brunelle, MS, ATC – NYSATA Conference Chair
Ian Hurlburt, MS, ATC - NYSATA Conference Moderator
Session 1: 9-10am - SLAP Tears and Bicep Tendon Pathology in the Throwing Athlete; Frank J. Alexander, Jr., MS, ATC (1 CEU)
Session 2: 10-11am - Relative Energy Deficiency Syndrome from the Clinician’s Perspective; Courtney Gray, MS, ATC & Michael Matheny, MS, ATC (1 CEU)
Session 3: 11am-12pm – NYSATA membership meeting
Arturo “Roy” Flores, MS, ATC – NYSATA President
SATURDAY JUNE 12th – 9-10am (general session)
8:45am – Saturday session opens – Introductions
Aimee Brunelle, MS, ATC – NYSATA Conference Chair
Ian Hurlburt, MS, ATC - NYSATA Conference Moderator
Session 4: 9-10am - UCL Injuries: Do they all need surgery?; Frank J. Alexander, Jr., MS, ATC (1 CEU)
SATURDAY JUNE 12th WORKSHOPS – Workshops will close when participants limits have been met. Participants are limited to their choice of ONE workshop, within registration limits.
Session 5: Designing Emergency Response Simulation Training For Measurable Outcomes; Michael Cendoma, MS, ATC (0.75 CEU)
Session 5A: 10-10:45am (15 participant limit)
Session 5B: 11-11:45am (15 participant limit)
Session 5C: 12-12:45pm (15 participant limit)
Session 6: Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions Among Athletes; Laura Purificato MSPT (3 CEUs)
Session 6: 1-4pm (12 participant limit)
Session 6 participants will need a treatment table and a volunteer to work with; this is a live hands-on workshop via Zoom.